Wait no more

Eliminate the need to wait for your customers to pay your invoices

Unlock that cash

Get the growth into your business that it deserves

Invoice financing

We provide a secure, transparent and modern solution for businesses to get immediate funding from invoices waiting to be settled by their customers.

In other words, if you rely on credit to sell your products or services, invoice financing will provide you with faster payments, helping you to maintain and expand your business.

There are currently over 40,000 businesses across the UK that use invoice finance.

Why Populous

Immediate cash flow

Funding decisions confirmed within minutes and access to funds available within 24 hours.

No intermediaries

Only the invoice buyers and invoice sellers trade, without need for third parties

Global currencies

We use an internal token that is pegged to various global currencies to enable stability.

Invoice auctions

Allow invoice buyers to offer competing bids to enable invoice sellers to choose the best rates.

We're on Blockchain

The transparency of transactions recorded via Blockchain is a major enabler of faster payments and improved financing. It reduces risk of fraud and lowers cost. Populous created a Blockchain-based Smart contract platform to autonomously perform all necessary functions connected with funding, releasing payments, and the distribution of recorded data. This eliminates manual error and the need for any services from third parties.

And here is the best part:

We are global. Populous enables invoice sellers to connect with global invoice buyers.

How to sell invoices

Get instant cash flow today

From the world's first invoice discounting platform on blockchain