About Our Platform

Developed by experts in storing, analysing and presenting data

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PXP platform is created to help organisations gain the actionable insight they need to make informed business decisions, while avoiding the risk of becoming awash with data.

Developed by experts in storing, analysing and presenting data, The Populous XBRL platform (PXP) is a business intelligence (BI) data analytics platform.

PXP provides datasets and analysis tools in a cost-effective way, so that businesses of all sizes can access the vast array of publicly available data and present it in an easily digestible format to help them make decisions that drive their business forward.

Reports market

Another way businesses benefit from BI is by purchasing pre-prepared reports which have already been created by other platform users who are happy to make these reports available to others. This allows a café owner, for example, to consult the platform to see whether there is an existing report on prime locations for new outlets, or a property company might be able to access pre-prepared reports on distressed assets.

The skills of specialist researchers can be purchased within the platform too, thus saving time for busier users who do not have the resources or skills to create the more detailed reports for themselves. These elements ensure that PXP becomes a rich interactive community of information exchange to help businesses and investors.

We're on Blockchain

In a bid to make BI technology more affordable and accessible, the team behind PXP made the decision to ensure payment can be made via the blockchain, using smart contract technology.

Because the blockchain is a decentralised system that exists between all permitted parties, there is no need to pay intermediaries or middlemen, which saves time and helps to avoid conflict.

Blockchains are undeniably, faster, cheaper and more secure than traditional systems, which is why banks and governments are increasingly turning to them.


Decentralisation enables the platform to run autonomously so the entire process is automated. The multiple benefits includes time saving, work efficiency and lower costs associated with a peer-to-peer (P2P) system.

PXT - Populous XBRL token

An ERC20 token used as payment for BI data requests through the platform. It has a value and can be sent and received, rather like Bitcoin, Litecoin or any other cryptocurrency.

Smart contracts

Computer code consisting a set of rules which will be executed once all parties to the contract are in agreement, value is released when all conditions are met. Enabling users to access and pay for their data safely, easily and swiftly.

We bring data to Smart Contracts

To deliver BI to its users and to connect the business community, PXP uses oracles. Oracles provide the necessary data that ensure smart contracts execute when the terms in the smart contract are met. Blockchains do not have easy access to information outside the chain and oracles bridge this divide to validate the smart contracts.

Oracles can be used to collect information on the current value of the US Dollar, the price of gold or the latest exchange rates and feed the data to the smart contract. The oracles bring trusted, up-to-date information into the blockchain so that the contracts between PXP and its users can be fulfilled when the terms specified have been met.

The oracle confirms the data fetched from the original data-source is genuine and un-tampered which is accomplished by returning the data together with a document called "authenticity proof".